Leo Trader Pro

Friday, January 21, 2011

Making Good Money Online

Is this a real opportunity or just a fantasy?

Part 1-Welcome to the real world of internet opportunities!

Many people ask if the histories they are listening everywhere have any piece of reality or are only marketing pieces of information to call them in a decent way.

The reality is like the famous drinks called half & half, used to indicate a mix of almost equal amount of ingredients.

Yes, there are many histories of people making big bucks online, but none of them have reach success overnight. To reach that point, it is necessary some learning, dedication and of course, some investment in learning materials and acquisition of some necessary tools. Any other thing? Yes, if you are able to mix all the previous ingredients with a good recipe, you will require some aging. After a few months or in cases few weeks, you will start earning some money. Then, perseverance will result in a broadening stream of earnings until reaching the goal of financial independence.

Using available internet tools and techniques many people are earning over six figures from the comfort of their homes and even when traveling around the world; they are no longer tied to a job in a fixed location with a rigid daily schedule and long commuting hours. Much of them are not even graduated from High School and yet are making more money than most engineers and many other professionals.

Is it possible? …Absolutely yes!

Can everybody do it? … Mostly yes, but

Is everyone that tries successful? No!!!

Why some people succeed where many others fail? What is the difference between failure and success?

I can tell you that apart from the amount of time and effort that successful people place in their intent, the main difference between success and failure is the right information. The proven tools which they obtain after gaining access to said information paves the way to achieving results and eventually their goals.

There are many ways to become successful and make good money using the internet; I don’t intend to explain all of them in a single page, that would be futile and misleading. What I will do is this: present you the most profitable methods and proven ideas developed by successful companies that have allowed many people to earn a decent living and even leave their old job behind.

But before, I will take you step by step in building the base of your empire, because before you can profit, you will need a Domain Name, a web hosting server and so on. Don't be afraid if you don't know the terminology. If you follow the posts, you will learn how to set up your money machine step by step. For now, take a look at the following history: "The Rich Boy"

Look for followings parts of these series

Friday, January 14, 2011

Blogging Success Summit 2011 (BSS-2011)

Blogging Success Summit 2011 is a large month-long online conference dedicated to help businesses master blogging. More than 500 marketers have already signed up, including Tupperware, World Bank, Home Depot, The Daily Telegraph, Arbitron, SAP, Simple Green, Virginia State Parks, Blue Cross Blue Shield, and hundreds of smaller businesses.

Twenty-three of the world’s most respected blogging experts will share their strategies with you. Hear from Technorati CEO Richard Jalichandra, Scott Monty (head of social media, Ford), Darren Rowse (co-author, ProBlogger), Brian Clark (Copyblogger), Debbie Weil (author, The Corporate Blogging Book), Douglas Karr (co-author, Corporate Blogging for Dummies), Joe Pulizzi (co-author, Get Content Get Customers), Mari Smith (co-author, Facebook Marketing), Jay Baer (co-author, The Now Revolution), Chris Garrett (co-author, ProBlogger), Dave Garland (author, Smarter, Faster, Cheaper), Mike Volpe (VP of marketing, HubSpot), Rick Calvert (CEO, BlogWorld) and Michael Stelzner (Social Media Examiner)—as well as experts from Sony, McDonald’s, Cisco, Southwest Airlines, and Procter & Gamble.

You can follow the links listed below to find more information, subscribe to the conference and eve to win free access!
  • Blogging Success Summit 2011 Useful Links: 

And remember, this is an online conference — so no travel is required to participate.

      Monday, January 10, 2011

      How to Make Money From Pasions

      To make money online many people jump right in before they are properly prepared. You know that to be a rocket scientist, a doctor, a brick layer, a construction worker, an office worker, a teacher there are prerequisites, things you must learn, before you can be successful, you don't just jump right in unprepared.

      The same applies to the Internet marketing industry even though there are unsavory people out there who'd have you believe it's a "Walk in the Park" and requires no more than the belief that you can just do it.

      And I'll have to admit, it is a walk in the park compared to what you have to put up with in the working world punching a clock being a subordinate to someone who does not have your interests in mind, but there are still rules you have to follow and pitfalls you must avoid to actually make Internet marketing work for you.

      Why most people never make money online

      Most people will not make a dime online and yet there are others who will make more in one month than most people make in a whole year. Why is that?

      My answer begins with the age-old chicken or egg question, "what comes first the chicken or the egg"? Personally I vote for, well never mind, each argument you or I make comes back to the same old conclusion - I have no clue and I don't think many of us do either.

      But one thing I do have a clue about and know for sure is that to make money online you must first have Passion for the company products and/or service of any Internet business from which you expect to make money.

      Passion in this sense simply means that you've researched and like the company and products or services. It is then that you translate that like (or Passion) into the education, excitement and work that usually accompany Passion.

      I will have to say that many online entrepreneurs are so good at what they do that they ignore passion because they can sell anything. But I'm concerned about those of you who are not so knowledgeable at working an online business successfully.

      Now, I'm not trying to make anyone believe that Passion is the only thing necessary. Because to be successful you must also have a good website, good marketing, widespread advertising, company support, effective keywords, and etc. Those things are often learned from the company you join - but sidestep Passion and you reduce your chances for success dramatically.

      It therefore follows that, if you have no Passion for the company and the products and services provided by that company, again, you won't attempt to do the work you are being taught.

      Internet Marketing

      Internet marketing work is typically not all that difficult or time consuming but it does take motivation caused by Passion to get you off and running with a sustained effort so that you won't stumble.

      You have a great resource in the Internet search engines to search about the Internet Marketing industry for business opportunities, USE IT!

      Your research should uncover a company that you like and have confidence in. It should be solid, founded on great principles, and easy to understand with great products and services that are sell-able for which you can have Passion. If you don't find it move on,
      You can find the right opportunity containing the attributes identified above.

      Comments like, well, that one sounds good and the compensation plan is excellent so I guess I'll start that business - does not sound like a decision based on anything near Passion. And remember when you hear that an Internet "guru" does that, don't be tempted, because as I said earlier they are experienced and can sell just about anything, without being Passionate about the company products and services.

      Note: By the way it's your goal to get to the point where you can sell about anything online. That end skill and goal is a worthy one indeed.

      What to do

      Remember, there are other steps you must make before you step into Internet Marketing but if you don't first find the right company products and services to be passionate about, all of those other steps may just cause you a lot of frustration instead of bringing you great success.

      Not being Passionate about your idea or company and products is a pitfall you simply must avoid, it is simply placing yourself at the risk of certain failure.

      There are companies that can help you secure your pasion and hopes, i.e. Maverick Money Makers is an example of a private society that will teach you how to build a six-figure a month business on the internet.

      Sunday, January 9, 2011

      Blogger Definition

      I was looking for information about blogging, bloggers and blogsphere (or "blogosphere") in the internet and found some pretty discouraging terms.

      Urban Dictionary defines a blog in the following way:

      "1. n.
      Short for weblog.
      A meandering, blatantly uninteresting online diary that gives the author the illusion that people are interested in their stupid, pathetic life. Consists of such riveting entries as "homework sucks" and "I slept until noon today." "

      In the same way a blogger is defined as:

      1. Blogger
      "Term used to describe anyone with enough time or narcissism to document every tedious bit of minutia filling their uneventful lives. Possibly the most annoying thing about bloggers is the sense of self-importance they get after even the most modest of publicity. Sometimes it takes as little as a referral on a more popular blogger's website to set the lesser blogger's ego into orbit." 

      And last but not least discouraging the term "Blogsphere" is defined as:

      1. blogosphere

      "A tragedy.
      The "blogosphere" is the new buzz word that has replaced "information super highway." It's what idiots like to call a collection of "blogs," otherwise known as a tragedy."

      If you follow the links to that website, you will find many more demeaning adjectives about this new social media phenomenon. Could so many people be wrong, idiots or selfish? Or most of these qualifications could be applied to the same people that blatantly disrespect others?

      Evidently, human beings that are capable of speak in such way about other individuals, speak a lot worse about themselves.

      I would like to know what other people think about these opinions, any comments will be welcome.

      Claiming a position in the Blogsphere

      Today is Sunday and a very nice sunny day here in Miami. Temperature is about 67 F ( 20 C) and the sky is as blue as it can be, not a single cloud in the horizon. The weather channel forecast almost unchanged conditions for the next few days. Not far from paradise if not were for another kind of clouds often more daunting than the ones coming from nature: economical and financial clouds.

      These last clouds, although called that way in metaphorical language, have more challenging consequences that are not so figurative or intangible, they weight heavy in our lives and sometimes don’t allow us to experience the wonders of nature.

      But even in the worst conditions, when many are fighting for survival, we need to balance our physiology and reduce our stress so we can be more equipped to fight another day.

      This is why I have been thinking that from time to time I will deviate from the main topic of this blog and will write about other issues that affect our lives like health, weight loss (I know of a very effective method that don’t only allow you to lose weight effectively, but also improve your body functions, resulting in a substantial improving of your quality of live), physical fitness, and other interesting topics.

      We can simply be better prepared for fighting to improve our lives if our bodies and health conditions in general are in a better shape.

      But to be able to reach more people and contribute effectively in increasing their awareness about all these topics, I need to increase the reach of this blog that just started only a few days ago.

      I intent to do it in many different ways. I have been told that I have to design the site taking in consideration what is called Search Engine Optimization (SEO), that I need to obtain backlinks from other websites, specially authorities sites, and so on.

      Initially I didn’t understand the lingo, but I started to read and learn about it, and you know, they are right, now it makes a lot of sense to me.

      Also a learned that to be considered and ultimately reach my goals, there is a website called Technorati that keep an inventory and classification of most blogs, and that if you want to succeed, you need to be included in their ranks and listings.

      One of the ways to do this is going to their site, registering as a new user and submitting your blog for listing. They will give you a special code called a token, that you need to include in a new post in your blog to claim it, in this case I was assigned the claim token Q9S8T48EP5T8.

      After you publish your new post with the token included in it, they will search your blog for the specific token and this way they will know that you are the rightful owner of the claimed blog.

      Of course this is not enough, life is not so easy. To really get the way up in the ranks and reach respectable traffic, first you need to respect yourself and respect your readers writing quality content that is informative and provides a pleasant reading. Without this last and most important ingredient, your blog will never reach the traffic you want and will be relegate to the bottom, where millions of unnoticeable blogs deserve to be.

      Friday, January 7, 2011

      Owners of Unclaimed Money- What to do If you are contacted.

      How to identify the ownership of an account:

      If you decided to pay for an online search or to look at the information in the databases provided by the government, you will find that the information provided is almost worthless. You will be presented with a list of names that resembles your own, if you are lucky some addresses and probably the amount of money held in the account. Most states do not provide the amount of money in the account: a few tells you if the amount is bigger or lesser than $100 dollars, buy pretty much, that’s it.

      From that information is almost impossible to determine if you are the person owner of the property shown. Only you can assert that if your name and your address (or an address where you previously lived or linked to you in some way).

      The information about the accounts holding the money, not always is accurate or complete, this in first place is the reason why the money never reached the owners.

      The list provided to you, has a few columns: Name reported, Reported address, Date Processed, Property Class, Reported Cash Amount (when present). The content in the columns changes according to the original source, but more or less this is it.

      To identify if the money belongs to you:

          1. First, look at the name, it could be misspelled, transposed, just first or second name, first or second last      name  only, etc. But even if the name matches with yours, it's not enough, just because of it. It’s necessary to look for other clues.
                    • If the name listed is not yours, but belong to a deceased relative, you may still have rights over the account as a rightful heir.
          2. Address line: Not always the address is shown, but if an address appears, try to match it to your current or previous addresses. Remember that the account holding the money could be from many years ago (as almost always is).
          3. SSN: When present, only the last four digits are shown for identity protection purposes. Compare with your own.
          4. If there is a note at the right, it is related to the source of the money. Think about previous financials relations (jobs, banks accounts, insurances, etc) or possible money orders or checks sent from third  parties.

      If any of these indicators point to you being the owner of the account, especially Name, Address or/and Social Security Number (SSN), there is a huge chance that the money is yours. But if you are in doubt, it is necessary to conduct an investigation to be sure that you are really the person that appears in the list. You probably will have to hire some kind of investigator or heir finder to conduct such investigation, only authorized institutions have access to such information.

      There is another possibility: You have been contacted by a company that already have identified you as a owner of some unclaimed assets. In such case you won't have any up-front cost, because you don't have to pay for the search or to conduct any investigation.

      Trusted companies won't ask you for any up-front fees or any kind of initial payment. The claiming process is completely free. They only charge a fee that previously is concerted and approved by you, if after the claiming process, the claim results successful and you take possession of the unclaimed property.

      Tuesday, January 4, 2011

      Unclaimed Funds-Real Life Stories

      When Rosa & her daughter Catherine in Caracas, Venezuela, received a letter back in Dec 2009 asserting that they had $ 114,693.18 USD in unclaimed money in Florida, they thought, as many people do, that it was some kind of scam. They simply discarded the letter and dropped it in the trash basket.

      They had already forgotten the incident when they received a call few days later from an unknown number in Miami that they didn't take, but the person in the other side of the line left a courteous message giving some hints about the source of the unclaimed money. Rosa ' s husband had passed away some time ago leaving a money market account in a bank in Florida (Eastern National Bank) whose balance had been growing through the years until reaching the amount specified in the letter, when the bank had to deliver it to the State of Florida1).

      At that time, they were intrigued and called back the number, receiving more information and details about the account and the necessary steps to be taken to claim the money. Furthermore, the company declared that they didn't have to pay any cost during the claiming process and only a fee would be charged if the claim resulted successful and the money was delivered to them.

      Their thoughts

      They (the company) appeared to know what they were talking about, had all the information about us and the claiming process wouldn ' t cost us a cent. How in the world it could be a scam or an identity theft? They already had all the information about us. I they were trying to do something illegal, by no way they would be contacting us...

      So, they decided to act and proceed with the claim. They were sent some documents to sign, forwarded some needed proof to establish the real identity of them as claimants and put all the burden of the process in the company.

      The claiming process took a few months, some additional documents were requested (i.e. death, birth and marriage certificates), but the load of the day to day correspondence, necessary translations and certifications, the gathering of additional certified documents and copies of statements from the bank and much more, resided in the company's side.

      By then, they knew that they were dealing with a serious and professional company, that the money was real and that sooner than later, they will get the money. The only thing they didn't understand so far was that how Pedro (Rosa's husband) never told them about the account and how much money was in it. But this little and insignificant issue was no longer important.

      Did they recover the money?

      Few months later, the postman delivered an envelope containing an official check from the State of Florida with the promised amount printed in it.

      This is a true story, only the names of the protagonists have been modified to protect their identity.

      This case is not unique, the same with different twirls happened to Renee and her nephew Roman ($ 62,893.55) in Paris, France, and Heronaldo and his wife ($56,770.41) in Cabedelo PB Brazil, only to mention a couple of examples.

      The details for each case may be different, but the tale was the same: they didn't know of the existence of the unclaimed money, at the beginning they thought they were being targeted for a scamming scheme, but after getting additional information they decided to act and at the end they got the confirmation that everything was true and correct with hard evidence: a real authentic check with the promised amount stamped in it.

      But frustratingly, many people when contacted are overly suspicious, and instead of following logical steps looking for more information, they simply discard the idea and with it the opportunity to grab the money or assets that rightfully belongs to them. Instead, would be more reasonable to think that there is a possibility, no matter what small it looks, that the information could be reasonably certain and they may have rights over some kind of abandoned property. They probably are not aware of the fact that there is more than $100 Billion Dollars in the United States waiting to be claimed.

      Examples of this last group of smart people are Cantino J ($ 123,323.27) in Miami, Joaquin ($44,617.10) in Buenos Aires, Argentina, the Reinaults ($159, 234.77) in West Palm Beach, FL, Gary ($339,841.59, yes) in Denver, Colorado, Catherine ($88,335.80) of Carslbad, CA...; and many, many more (see a partial list of holders of unclaimed money unwilling to take action here). These people when contacted they have expressed the unwillingness to pursue the claim or simply do not answer in any way (yes, they are alive and it's a fact that the money is real and waiting for them).

      Some unclaimed accounts usually have small amount of money, but more frequently than we can conceive, there are accounts with thousands or even hundreds of thousands of dollars that remain unclaimed (we know a couple with even millions in it) due in part to the misinformation, indolence or procrastination of the people.

      Should you receive a notification of unclaimed assets in any form, think twice before discarding it. Analyze it carefully, consider the company that is contacting you, the length in business, references, look for the existence of any complaint against it, etc. and if everything is in order, then ask yourself the question: If this is a legitimate company, Why they should be wasting their money doing research and contacting me with an unfounded claim?

      Specially to be trusted, are the companies that do not ask for any kind of money up-front and they are not getting paid if you do not receive your money first. They would carry all the expenses associated with the claiming process only if they think that there is a real possibility of getting the money for you. Furthermore, your money never is in their position, the state will mail you the check directly. Taking in account all the facts why not to proceed?

      With frequency, the claiming process involves legal procedures like probates, determination of heirs with rights over the unclaimed property, certified translations, presentation of certified documents, and other very technical events, that if not done correctly, can trash the petition resulting in denial or rejection of it with no money delivered. Because of all these issues, it is advisable to get professional help and select a trusted company with the expertise and knowledge necessary to do the job seamless, saving time, money and big headaches at the end.

      1)  Florida, as most states, has specific laws establishing that when any bank account (as many other individual and business kind of accounts in custody of any financial institution as well) have remain inactive for a certain period of time, the holding institution has to deliver the property to the state (F.S. Title XL Chapter 717). The bank previously had notified the owners of the inactivity on the account, but the notification went to the old, not updated address, and of course never reached their addressees.

      Saturday, January 1, 2011

      Sources of Unclaimed Money: Rinker Group Ltd. case.

      Among other things, I will be spotlighting some individual cases representing sources of unclaimed properties, today: the Rinker Group Ltd. case.

      The acquisition of Rinker Group Ltd. by Cemex, the Mexican cement giant, created hundreds of shareholders that up to today have millions of dollars in unclaimed money.

      CEMEX S.A.B. de C.V., acquired Rinker Group Ltd. for $15.3 billion in 2007 paying about $15.85 per share. Shareholders at that time were paid that amount, but because Rinker had thousands of workers spreading in several countries, not all the shareholders received, cashed their checks or claimed their money, resulting in the creation of hundreds of unclaimed accounts with thousands of dollars each.

      Rinker as many other companies, had a policy of distributing or facilitating the acquisition of shares to its previous employees, some for different reasons, were unaware of the ownership of those shares. To make things worse, Rinker Group, Ltd was the result of the demerger in 2003 of CSR or “Colonial Sugar Refining” that when founded in 1855 had nothing to do with construction material production, but in the years to come was growing acquiring many companies, and among them, Kiewit that later was renamed as Rinker Group.

      American Assets Finders, Inc. a company located in Florida, has identified hundreds of new accounts in this category, and has begun notifying its owners of the existence of these unclaimed assets. The company will post a list with the name, addresses and amount held in each account. If you were a former employee of Rinker or CSR, or had previously held shares in any of these companies check the site to learn if you are one of the lucky account owners.

      In their company's web page you can obtain more information or even fill in the contact form with your specific request for more information.